Responsible Media Reporting on Gender-Based Violence and Gendered Issues

No matter the issue being discussed, media plays an important role – arguably the most important role – in forming public opinion. How events and stories are covered by the media has the potential to shape and reinforce not only opinion among the general public but also political and public policy and how governments address or do not address the events and issues that are being covered.

This course (and the accompanying Guide for Journalists) is intended to provide journalists, broadcasters, editors, photographers, and anyone else who does or is aspiring to work in or with the media with tools and resources they may not otherwise have at their disposal when reporting on gender-based violence and gendered issues.

No matter the issue being discussed, media plays an important role – arguably the most important role – in forming public opinion. How events and stories are covered by the media has the potential to shape and reinforce not only opinion among the general public but also political and public policy and how governments address or do not address the events and issues that are being covered.

This course (and the accompanying Guide for Journalists) is intended to provide journalists, broadcasters, editors, photographers, and anyone else who does or is aspiring to work in or with the media with tools and resources they may not otherwise have at their disposal when reporting on gender-based violence and gendered issues.

Please note that while there is no time limit for completing the course, participants may lose access to the course after six months of inactivity. If a participant loses access, they can simply re-register for the course.

Content Warning

Please take care when reviewing the course material. While there are no disclosures of gender-based violence in the course material from our interviewees/participants, there are some references to and discussions about past events, especially in the Trauma Reporting module, where there is a discussion about historic sex trafficking and how a media outlet treated the survivor. As one can imagine, many of the topics in this course are quite heavy and may be upsetting for some people. If you experience any feelings of distress and need to confidentially talk with someone, please call or text our 24/7 support line to speak with a compassionate counsellor: 905.684.8331*
*Given the limitations of technology, please call if you do not receive a response to your text message.